Are there particular feelings, when you have them, that you wish others could better understand what you're going through?
Are there feelings that you'd like normalize and destigmatize?
A list of possible FEELINGS:
Anger: angry, disgusted, envious, exasperated, frustrated, irritated, annoyed, raging, furious, fed up, grumpy, grouchy, spiteful, scorned, resentful, agitated, closed off, offended, sullen, pissed, bitter
Fear: alarmed, horrified, panicked, shocked, nervous, anxious, uneasy, full of dread, frightened, apprehensive, stressed, tense, fearful, disturbed, frozen, freaking out, cold feet, discouraged, worried
Joy: delighted, elated, jubilant, rejoicing, gay, glad, enraptured, grateful, high, blissed out, blissful, satisfied, comfortable, glee, joyful, happy, thrilled, pleased, convivial, elated, ecstatic, peace filled, blessed
Love: devoted, relish, enchanted, worship, zeal, fond, fondness, passionate, yearning, inclined, crushing, hankering, kindness, care, open hearted, noble, allied, worthy, sincere, intense, adoring, dedicated, faithful
Sadness: depressed, depression, gloomy, defeated, suffering, hurt, wounded, unhealed, glum, grieving, homesick, sad, lonely, rejected, dejected, down, pessimistic, somber, unhappy, mourning, heartbroken
Surprise: amazed, astonished, shocked, startled, astounded, stupefied, stunned, dazed, awestruck, overwhelmed