What is Teeclaiming?
Have you heard the expression, "Be kind, you never know what someone is going through"?
Well, what if you could know? Wouldn't the world be a kinder, more understanding place?
What if your clothing could actually "speak" for you? With Wearing & Sharing, it can.
Welcome to TeeCLAIMING™!
A unique communication platform that uses T-shirts and an updatable digital Share Space to help you CLAIM and express your authentic self while helping observers to understand you.
People TeeCLAIM their feelings, experiences, challenges, causes, diagnosis, sexuality, secret coding, marathon stats, and much more.
Proudly say to the world & to yourself, this is me and I own it!
I own my journey, and here are more details to help you understand what it means to me, what I'm going through, or what I've been through. Let's connect and build a bridge between us, all without having to ever actually speak.